Wednesday, October 25, 2006


In case you were under any illusion...

A friend recently sent me an update with some of the latest gossip regarding parties and friends and crushes, concluding that it all might seem shallow to me now that I'm living in Africa. Similarly, another friend e-mailed a while back and said he was sure I was "doing a lot of good over here." While I appreciate being held in such high esteem, I can assure you that I do not spend all my time here mulling over global poverty and attempting to save the world. In fact, much of it is spent just hanging out and being silly. I also manage to stay relatively up-to-date on my American pop culture in the form of cinema (the Tanzanian premiere of Snakes on a Plane!!), music (a Jay-Z concert last week), and letters (old People and US Weekly magazines stolen from the American Embassy). Tho I do feel I have a bit more "authentic" perspective on the whole Madonna adoption debate...

This frivolity is of course all preparation for re-entry, as I'm headed back to the States in a mere 2 and a half weeks!!

Wait, you're coming back for vacation? Your total stay there is still roughly 2 years, right?

And so IF you're coming back for vacation, what are the chances that we could pursuade you to grace us w/ your presence in Adams Morgan?
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